We are so excited that your 3rd- 5th grader wants to head to Tadmor with us July 9th (4pm)- July 12th (10am)!! God is going to do amazing things!!
We have reserved one girls cabin and one boys cabin, each holding 8 students. We will be hosting a church wide BBQ fundraiser to help lower the cost per student for camp. More details will be coming!
There is a $50 deposit per student, due now, that will be applied toward camp tuition. Refunds will only be provided if another camper is able to fill the spot. Tadmor is updating their system and expects to have the full registration links available sometime in April (please be on the lookout). Until then, we have been instructed to do our own registration.
Please let me know if you have any questions at all! We look forward to partnering with you to help your child grow in their relationship with the Lord and with their peers!
In Him,
Hannah Mannale
Kids Ministry Director
Northside Christian Church
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